
A Comedian’s Survival

Tig-Notaro-Live-SlateThe other day, my bloggy BFF, The Byronic Man, suggested I listen to a comedy album by Tig Notaro, called Live (as in, chipmunks live in burrows, not Saturday Night Live).

“If you think you’re ready for the next level,” he prefaced, probably to guarantee I’d listen to it. (Just as I’m sure he knew I’d try a sazerac after he put that picture on his blog.)

Tig Notaro. Not Byronic Man. (You see, that’s funny because she jokes about looking like a man on the album.)

Byronic Man, no stranger to excellent stand-up comedy himself, went on to explain that Live wasn’t supposed to be an album, Notaro was just performing in a club at an open mic/showcase. A couple days earlier, she’d found out she had cancer in both breasts. “She just starts talking about it,” he told me. “It’s incredibly funny and raw and moving. There’s no polish – she repeats herself, there’s long pauses, she tries to change the subject. It’s like what humor can be in the darkest of times.”

James Rebhorn. Toldja.
James Rebhorn. Toldja.

As soon as I heard her voice, I recognized it. Notaro first appeared on the scene in Last Comic Standing in 2006. Since then, she’s been everywhere from late night talk shows to The Office to the stand-up circuit. She’s like the female James Rebhorn of comedy. You know. “That guy/gal! In, like, every movie I’ve ever seen! …What’s his/her name?” She’s also got Louis C.K. on her side – he’s the one who pushed to turn the Live show into an album.

What made Live so powerful wasn’t just the complete and utter sincerity. It’s what Notaro infers when she says she just can’t bring herself to tell the old jokes. Or even the ones she prepared for that night.

“It’s weird because with humor, the equation is tragedy plus time equals comedy,” Notaro says early on, with a sardonic edge. “I…am…just at tragedy. Right now.”

Reality had taken over, and she just needed to speak from the heart. No filter. And guess what? It was still one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. In fact, it was this very ‘in the moment’ quality that made it so. So much of the comedy we see is rehearsed, the timing perfected.

“It’s okay,” she lightly reassures an audience member who’s nearly in tears on Notaro’stig-notaro behalf. “It’s going to be okay. It might not be okay. But I’m just saying. It’s okay. You’re gonna be okay.”

At the risk of demeaning Notaro’s very heartbreaking situation and profound performance, I think what happened to her that night happens to every comedian, or every person for that matter. There comes a day when the old methods don’t work. But often times, very unlike Notaro, we’re too scared to try new ones.

On a far more superficial level, when I changed the name of this blog from GoGuiltyPleasures! to Go Jules Go last year, I was preparing for a broader bloggy life. Humorous writing beyond my love of guilty pleasures. I never thought I’d get tired of chipmunks or ‘stache glasses. And I promise, on many levels, I never will. But sometimes it’s really, really hard to tell the old jokes.

So while, in my lucky, privileged world, I occasionally push the boundaries of this little blog that changed my life, I really hope you’ll take thirty minutes to listen to Live. You know. If you think you’re ready for it.

Bloggers: Do you ever feel like you’re ‘faking it’ on your blog? Bloggers/All: Who are your favorite comedians and why?

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84 thoughts on “A Comedian’s Survival”

  1. Thanks for the mention!

    And it really is an amazing album – not because it’s funnier than other comedy albums, though it’s very, very funny (receiving the survey from the hospital for her mom, after her mom died? “How would you rate your experience in our hospital?” “Um… you know… not great.”). But because it’s just so honest and real. I’m so, so glad they didn’t alter it, clean it up for release as an album.

      1. I knew it! And I’m so glad you didn’t leave it to chance – this is one of the best things I’ve ever heard. Worthy of a post robbery, one might even say. Thank you!

        I had such a hard time not transcribing the whole thing here. Every bit of it is amazing. I’m sure I didn’t do it justice, but I hope everyone still listens.

        1. Oh, I forgot to list some favorite comedians, didn’t I… Hm… in no particular order: Mike Birbiglia, Dana Gould, Bob Newhart, Ellen Degeneres, Richard Pryor, Mitch Hedberg, Bill Hicks, Patton Oswalt, Steve Martin, Bill Cosby, Mike Nichols & Elaine May, David Cross, Eddie Izzard, Paula Poundstone.

          I’ll probably be back.

          1. Have my comments gone haywire? Is it just me? They’re all in the wrong spot! Like, my replies to you are somewhere else now! Who knows where this will wind up.

            Nevertheless. I can’t tell you how delighted I am to see Paula Poundstone on your list.

            I keep thinking of more, too. I think this means it’s time for a trip to a comedy club. It’s been too long. The last one I saw was… Mitch Fatel. He’s hilarious, too.

  2. Bloggers: Do you ever feel like you’re ‘faking it’ on your blog?

    I have a couple times. I’ve shied away, on occasion, from being me on the off-chance that it might offend someone or piss someone off, but I’ve gotten over that recently. If you don’t like it don’t read it.

    Bloggers/All: Who are your favorite comedians and why?

    Jeff Dunham. The back and forth between he and his dummies is hilarious. His self-depreciating humor is great and the different array of characters his puppets portray make for a fascinating show.

    1. I’m glad you’re saying what you want to say on your blog – it is a REALLY hard balance to strike… You always risking offending SOMEONE. I’ve read the most harmless posts in the world, and seen people freak out in the comments.

      I can’t help but laugh every time I hear Jose Jalepeno on a stiiiiick!

  3. This really struck me today. I don’t usually feel like I’m faking it, only because those times when I can’t do it, I just don’t. As an example, I give my silence over the holidays. I had fully intended to write and write and write and pump out a bunch of fantastic blog posts while I was on my ten day break from everything else. But the first night of my vacation, we received notice that a very young, very dear friend had died suddenly and unexpectedly. And I could not write. I could not dig through it to reach the humor. So I waited. Even though it means my numbers go down, even though I lose some of my mojo. There are just times when I can’t push through it. That was one of those times. And I didn’t really recognize it at the time, although I see it now.

    Sorry. That’s probably really raw and vulnerable, but this post really hit a nerve with me.

    1. Please don’t ever apologize! I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. Sometimes it’s hard to let ourselves properly grieve, but I hope you give yourself permission to do so. And the blog will be there for you, when you’re ready.

      This album really hit a nerve with me, too – I felt like I couldn’t NOT write about it.

  4. My blog has been what has kept me out of a shrink’s chair! I have used it to escape stress. I was amazed at how easy it was and still is to switch to writing humorous posts no matter what is going on in my life. I wouldn’t call it faking it, but a great place to be swept away. 🙂

    I am always trying new things on my blog because I don’t want to get bored with me either!

    I am in WI with spotty internet and only my phone to leave comments so I’ll have to check her out when I am back in civilization!

    1. Amen to THAT, Susie! This blog has done more for me than a lifetime of therapy ever could. And I definitely think seeing the humor in things through writing is still very real/not faking it.

      You’re definitely a role model when it comes to being a kind, REAL, adventurous blogger!

  5. I went to find a youtube video of her to watch before I decided whether or not I wanted to throw down five whole dollars and wouldn’t you know the first video I found she was introduced by a friend of mine from highschool… so now I am going to buy it of course.

        1. Ooh – that’s fantastic – thanks for sharing! You’ve got friends in the right places. I loved, “I’m like an old man and you hit a comedy baseball through my window.”

  6. I really really really want to listen to this now!! But I’m a work, with my boss skulking up and down the hall, so that won’t happen. Grrrrrr!!

    Faking it you say? Yes and no. Yes, in that I don’t think I’m able to reveal everything about myself that I would like to, because of privacy issues, so I feel that the persona I represent isn’t an entirely true representation of my actual self. No, in that I am the same as the poster above . . . if I don’t feel it, I don’t write it. Rather than try to fake something or put something out there I don’t feel is “me,” I just go silent.

    Can’t wait to get home tonight and listen to this! How long is it, just so I have an idea of what type of time constraints I’m looking at?

    1. It’s only 30 minutes – I can’t wait to hear what you think of it!

      And I take a similar approach – if I’m not feelin’ it, I don’t write it. I love the humor and authenticity of your blog! You’re going to love this album.

  7. That’s the thing about life. Sometimes if you don’t laugh you’ll just sit down and cry and cry and never stop. Humor is a safety valve to keep us all from exploding into a million, soggy pieces.

    Very thought provoking post, Jules. I’ll have to check her out.

    1. I couldn’t agree more, Peggles! Lately I’ve been wanting to write more serious posts, but if I didn’t feel like I could drop a joke or two in there when the spirit moved me, I would completely explode.

      I think you’ll really like it – and thank you! 🙂

  8. Any time you hit the keyboard, you’re faking it to some degree. You’re carefully choosing the words for a specific effect — poetry, shock, laughter. One way or another, it’s a mask. Oddly, I feel more myself, more at ease, when I’m writing humor than I do when I’m being sincere and heartfelt because, well, there’s vulnerability in sincerity, more risk of seeming fake (ironic, no?). With humor, you can distance yourself and say, “Ah, just messing with you. Or maybe not. Yeah, I am.” But still the humor has to come from someplace real. For example, there are times when whimsy just doesn’t feel the right way to go or maybe it feels forced. Sometimes you just gotta sardonic the shit out of something.

    Keep it real!

    1. “Sometimes you just gotta sardonic the shit out of something.” I think I just found my new life motto.

      And you’re so right – as soon as you start to write, there’s a certain amount of fake-itude happening. Which is exactly what’s so amazing about this album. There is just…nothing…getting in the way. It’s just pure comedy, emphasis on pure.

      I also agree about humor often seeming more honest than straight sincerity! I’ve always felt that a point resonates more profoundly with me when it’s delivered with a laugh.

      This comment is fantastic, by the way. Thank you. I have so much to say in response. I might break WordPress.

  9. You know where I have the hardest time being real? In the comments section. I always feel so trite when answering a question or taking a compliment.

    I think we all like to make jokes in order to breeze past the hard stuff of life. But don’t you find that using humor to ease into the pain or grief of a hard moment or season makes it so much more relatable? I like that humor gets everyone talking in a “yeah, I’ve felt like that before” kind of way.

    Favorite comedians: still love the late great Mitch Hedberg. Does Tina Fey count? Because I adore her.

    1. Yes! Great point. I always feel so much pressure with comment responses, like they have to be really funny mini posts or people will get bored. Or that I have to say “LOL” after I tease someone or they’ll think I’m serious and hate me. So stressful. 😉

      Mitch Hedberg is one of my all-time favs! And Tina Fey TOTALLY counts. I consider her a comedian first. She is amazing. But we already knew you had impeccable taste.

      1. I think awkward responsism is a case where faking it really shows, possibly because you’re responding, not creating (or at least the creative spark isn’t yours, know what I mean?). That’s why if nothing comes to mind, I find I’m better off just saying, “Thanks!” or “Good point” or “Eat death!”

        1. Oh, I never replied to this, Rache! Talking about “Sleepwalk with Me” is what eventually led B Man to recommending “Live”! Peppermeister and I REALLY liked it!

    2. Mitch Hedberg – what a waste. So much talent, so many opportunities, but he just couldn’t shake the drugs. I once accidentally stole a joke from him (“This shirt is dry clean only. That means it’s dirty.”); it pained me to stop using it.

      1. And every time I see a king sized bed: ‘Oh, you’re a king, you say? You won’t believe what I have in store for you. It’s to your exact specifications. And I can hook your lady up to!” RIP, Mitch.

          1. “When someone tries to hand me out a flyer, it’s kind of like they’re saying, ‘Here, you throw this away.'”

            That’s it. We’re starting a Mitch Hedberg Quotes Club. First meeting at Rache’s house. Rache, what are you making, besides club sandwiches? Something with Kit Kats?

  10. I feel pressure-like I’m being fake or unrealistic if I say that I fake it on my blog. But maybe it’s just different when you’re anonymous…? It’s like you just put it all out there and hope nobody you know finds you!! (I only give out my address for Christmas card lists and contests…cuz that’s like totally different). I’m scared but I’ll listen to it if you promise I won’t cry.

    1. That’s a really good point! It does change things when you have an anonymous blog. I was talking to Misty from Misty’s Laws about this when we met at BlogHer – the pros and cons of being anonymous. She said the flipside was that it was hard not being able to share certain things, even though it gave her more leeway to speak freely.

      I’d be better off promising that you WILL cry. Just a little. And it’s so worth it. Because it really is one of the best/funniest things I’ve ever listened to.

      1. I almost cried when I realized I had to pay for it. That’s like a Starbucks. Am I a flake? (Don’t answer that.)

        I did have a “real” blog at one time with a different host. When I read back on it now, I absolutely HATE the way I sounded. It was like I was all self-righteous or something. I didn’t feel like I was when I was writing it, of course. But I was delusional. FAKE, as you describe it. It seems kind of ironic now that I’ve made the massive mistake of having an affair that my writing has become utterly REAL and I’ve also been pushed into anonymity.

        I toy with the idea of “coming out” with my identity…but I wonder if anything would really change besides having people whom I know find out and having to explain myself. I guess the fear is whether or not I will still be loved if I am completely ME. Anonymity helps me to be ME, but I don’t notice it. Everyone else does.

        1. It is so worth every penny!!

          It was probably difficult to go anonymous and also to figure out how to proceed. Sometimes I envy anonymous bloggers, but now that I’ve opened up more to ‘real life’ people about having a blog, I’d miss having that connection [to my real life].

          Thank you for such thoughtful comments (as always)!

  11. Well, I just watched the little clip of her provided by Soul Walker and I think I’m hooked. I will definitely have to see more soon.

    I think we need more straight honesty/no bullshit in our lives, our comedy, even our blogs. I think it’s necessary for people to just say what they’re really thinking and feeling, whether it’s heartbreaking or hilarious or both. And life certainly walks a very fine line between comedy/tragedy. Isn’t it incredible that we have that power to take something so scary, so tragic and make it funny? It’s what saves us!

    Have I faked it on my blog? I only show parts of me, but those parts are definitely not faked. I did a bit of faking in the beginning and it was terrible. Hollow and shallow. Once I let it go, I was having fun and started to love blogging and just being myself. Screw what people think.

    Fave comedians? George Carlin, Louis C.K., Chris Rock.

    1. DP! Did you listen (I know you’re back at school this week!)? I know you’ll love it.

      I’m a broken record, but you are one of THE most genuine bloggers I’ve ever met, and it is just amazing to know you ‘in real life’ now and see that you are everything you portray on your blog and then some. It really inspires me!

      Wow this got so Hallmark card.

  12. Faking it likely happens or, honestly, just not comfortable being myself even if represented as words on my blog. Sometimes I wonder why I felt the nudge to start a blog, I have a busy life but the fullness has been newly found and is continually unfolding (writing). I’m not good at being myself because past history has taught me it’s not safe to be; I was bullied when younger from “friends” and family. How I processed it then was to create a wall around me and have many masks protecting her… how I process it now as an adult is with more compassion and understanding, in that we all have issues, pasts, or reasons for why we are the way we are even though we ache to be ourself, we ache for internal connections that are often represented in the connections we make with others. I adore humor infused posts, but I know if I sway too far down that route on my blog, that I’m hiding in it. It’s a mechanism I learned early on- deflect the attention from me to just the joke or line. But a comment above is correct as well, it does come from somewhere which is just as real and authentic as a poem or sincere post. There’s a great book, Daring Greatly, which really helped me with vulnerability, shame and seeing through the past, to be present in my presence. I’m writing this on lunch-ha! See how you rate, I drop my food to write a comment 😉 but I’ve seen this in your blog- the moments you go deep, I have something I like to say “I’m wading in the shallow as the depths are too deep”. It’s not shallow as in shallow, but surface. And I’ll stop writing now, lol. Promise. Oh and I adore Chelsea Handler!

    1. I rank up there with lunch?! Really?! I honestly can’t think of a higher compliment.

      But seriously, this comment is so chock full ‘o goodness, I’m not sure where to start. First, thank you. Second, I just listened to this speaker who did research on, essentially, human behavior. She talked about how “shame” is really the emotion behind so many things, and that the one thing that bonds humans is our desire to connect. She said that she found, in her research, that the difference between people who were happy and weren’t, was their sense of connection, and that THOSE people [who felt most connected] felt worthy of love and connection. Sometimes I wonder if we can ever really change our sense of worthiness, but, having a blog has really helped me feel connected.

      I’m so glad you started a blog – I think it’s just such a powerful outlet. And it’s a great point about humor being a defense mechanism. I absolutely do that!

      I LOVE Chelsea Handler! She’s a Jersey girl, too! Woot! 😉 Have you read any of her books?

      1. Yes, I’ve read “Are you there vodka? It’s me, Chelsea.” I watched her show, Chelsea Lately, last night too. She just makes me laugh! As for changing our worthiness, yes, I believe it’s possible because I’ve lived through that, or still am. I couldn’t get out of my toxic marriage for myself, but I did for my little girl and it was a reflection of worthiness I saw in her that I couldn’t see in myself, until later. I feel connections are part of that path, seeing others respond to us being who we are, flaws and all, beauty and grace, sins and virtues; the whole of us. The whole of us each in being ourself is our worthiness, loving is acceptance of what is, who we are, not what we try to make ourselves to be. Because we’re made perfectly imperfect and life is a journey; a messy-silly-crazy heartbreakingly-sad-yet-full-of-love journey. (and my dork side is coming out 😉 ) Be well, Jules. I’m still working on my post about why my blog is titled as it is, lol. I’m slow sometimes on the uptake, or rather, expression of self.

  13. I’ve been reading about this for a couple of months (though not on blogs!) but keep forgetting to download it. I’m going to try doing so this weekend, thanks to the excellent reminder.

  14. I never felt fake on ‘old’ blogs (mid90s-WP’s last identity). When I lost my mojo with that, I didn’t feel like I was faking. I was waiting to find the mojo again. That’s why I finally gave up.

    I’d began using my real name on different services that got TONS of hits but ZERO feedback. I finally dragged myself to WP. The purposes for these side projects (with my name) had been specific; one was a video blog everyday for a month. That was harder than I’d thought. I wasn’t even trying to make it nice. You see my crappy sofa behind me (and my mother’s BALL OF CRAP ‘boombox’ — oy!).

    This is a clip (each daily vid was about 2-3 minutes, this is less than 1) the ‘quality’ I held myself to.

    1. ha ha ha I just watched several of those clips, including Bobby in a fierce mood! I always love hearing about your various blog reincarnations. I am in this little WP bubble. A video blog every day for a month DOES sound hard, though. You make it look easy!

      1. You’re too kind! The evolution was wild. Believe it or not, I had to do several practices (for weeks) leading up to day 1. The practice was me SPEAKING. I started in a tiny ball, not looking in the camera.

        …I got used to it 🙂 Seriously, it was a freeing experience. I hated having my photo taken since I was a kid (believe it or not, I was a child model — REALLY; hit the wall by age 4). I finally got used to the idea that I was speaking to a friend (the camera). It wasn’t an interrogation ;p

  15. I love Tig Notaro! I first saw her last May on the This American Life Live show. She did a hilarious bit about Taylor Dane. I downloaded the live show from the Louis CK site a while back and completely forgot to watch it–sheesh, thanks for the reminder! I love your observation on taking risks and trying new things. I am in awe of stand up comedians for this reason–they get into this state of flow where they’re willing to try anything. Sure, sometimes they come off as an ass, but more often they’re just so funny and brave. Thanks for making the connection, Jules. You’re so smart 😉

    1. Rian! Of course you do, because you have awesome taste. I hope you’ll tell me what you think of it!

      Isn’t it jaw-dropping how people can get up on a stage and tell jokes to an audience that, more often than not, is less than receptive? Every minute is an eternity when it comes to stand-up! I don’t think there’s enough vodka in the world to get me up there…

      You ahhhhh [wicked smaaahhhht]! 🙂

  16. Faking it no, but because my blog began with a single focus (horror commentary) I tend not to blog other interests because “well these readers didn’t sign up for you to talk about xyz.” I actually have another blog ready to go just to give me a new outlet, but since I have barely time to write the first its on hold LOL. It is amazing how this medium enters your life in very real way but often difficult to explain way. I was in Books a Million and came upon a baby pacifier with a fake mustache attached. Thinking of this blog I tried to explain the significance of it to my wife “look hon’ isn’t this great?” “Hmm seems kind of weird.” “Yes but you see there is this blogger I follow and shes into this kind of stuff.” “Baby mustaches?” “No, no just fake one’s attached to things and chipmonks but never mind that.” “That’s strange why do you follow a blog on mustaches and chipmunks.” “No, well yeah it is strange, kinda but she’s really funny and you see there are these give aways.” Cue disinterested look. “Never mind.” “Well if you want to buy it…” “What would I do with a pacifier?” “I don’t know you brought it up”

    1. Okay, Raymond, this comment killed me. I can’t believe these kinds of conversations are actually happening. That is hilarious! Although it’s making me seriously reconsider my blog banner. Thank you for defending my ridiculousness!

      I think it’s great that you’re considering a separate blog for your other creative interests. I really, really struggle with that – just for the reason you mention. I want to write other things that don’t necessarily ‘fit’ this blog, but it’s hard enough writing one blog! I mean, geesh, how late am I getting back to these wonderful comments?!

  17. Do I fake it on the blog? Kind of yes, kind of no. In some ways the blog is the only place I tell the truth, but then sometimes my written voice sounds to me like a poorly imitated Steven Colbert-type buffoon.

    Comedian: LEWIS BLACK !!!

    Sorry, but if you’re familiar with Mr. Black, you know there is no using lower case letters.

    1. THANK YOU for bringing up Lewis Black! I love him. Have even gone to see him. And I love Stephen Colbert, too.

      And for what it’s worth, I think you’re hilarious!

      P.S. – My comments have gone haywire. I hope this comes up as a reply to you!

      1. The I.T. geniuses at WordPress have done it again with the newest “upgrade”. You reply to my comment came through, but I had to close out of my reader then re-open WP to see it. I saw Lewis Black too, at the Borgata in A.C. My wife and I saw his parents standing outside the show by the tables afterwards. I should also mention Jim Norton, who is far from politically correct, but very funny as well.

  18. Interesting questions, Jules! I just finished my first year of blogging and I observed that I was so happy to be writing and expressing myself that I did quite a bit of writing about myself. It was fine and I got followers etc. But now I seem to be going in the direction of Being Myself without talking About Myself quite as much. And I like that.

    I like a lot of comedians but in order to tell you who I like I guess I’ll be dating myself. Luckily I don’t date ’cause I’m already married. (Luckily for everyone else, I’m not a stand-up comic.) Spike Jones, Bob Newhart, Chris Rock, Colin Mochrie, Ellen DeGeneres, Gilda Radner.

    1. First of all – happy (belated) blogoversary!! That is so well put – ‘Being Myself without talking About Myself.’ I equate it to “show, not tell” which is a writing mantra of mine (along with “why say more when you can say it in less?”…which I haven’t seemed to embrace when it comes to comment replies, ha!).

      I feel like my first blogoversary was yesterday – but #2 is next month! ACK!

      Most excellent comedian picks!

  19. Thank you for recommendation, I’ll try to check her out.
    As for faking, I’d like to think I am not faking anything since I write absolutely nothing about myself.

  20. I think the message you tied to this entry is incredibly true and important. There is a line in that old, fairly ridiculous song “Everyone is Free to Wear Sunscreen” that has stuck with me since high school however; “Do one thing every day that scares you.” I think it is easy for us not to change, but doing the things we fear (like changing out ways) is the only way to grow.

    If you’re looking for some comedians to watch, perhaps check out Kevin Hart, Bill Burr, or Moshe Kaser.. or Joe Rogan, for sure.

    1. Thank you very much! I was so incredibly moved by this album that I couldn’t NOT write about it. And I’m hearing that line in my head right now (man, I’d forgotten all about that song!). For me, the thought of doing something scary every day is too scary, and then I don’t do anything, so my method has been to think of something I actually WILL do every day (that might ‘challenge’ me, but doesn’t render me immobile with fear). Sometimes it’s as simple as writing in my journal or going for a walk. Just so I can feel like I did SOMETHING creative.

      Thank you so much for the comment and recommendations – I’m not sure if I know these comedians – I’m so bad with comedians’ names. I can’t wait to check them out!

  21. Ew girl, I wrote about turning into that crazy, clingy, ex-girlfriend of a blogger not too long ago. It’s easy to get focused on what people want to hear from you, but I wasn’t enjoying writing that stuff. I might have scared away most of my readers, I don’t know, but I write what I want now. And I like it.

    1. Ew girl, well I know you scare me constantly with all your genuine hilarity and awesome writing. Stop that.

      But seriously, it is SO easy to get discouraged when you start focusing on anything but the actual DOING – whatever your ‘art’ might be.

  22. This was such a great post, Jules! I so have to check her out now. I love that she’s outside-the-box and completely turned the standard stand-up routine upside down. And I love comedy that stems from the raw real life. Probably why David Sedaris is one of my favorite writers. Hilarious dude, as you know. And yet, Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim, for one, had such heartbreaking disclosures.

    Still…I got to go with Seinfeld as my favorite comedian. Best sitcom aside, I saw him on stage (2nd row, woohoo!) a couple years back and it was the hardest I laughed at a comedian ever. The next day, honest to goodness, my face hurt…from laughing.

    1. Aw thanks, Nnng! And I will have to insist that you do [check her out]. Did you see the lengths to which B Man went to ensure I’d listen? Tapping into the core of my stubborn-ass, competitive being? (Oh he’s good.)

      David Sedaris is absolutely one of my favs, too. For the very reasons you mention. I just NEED that humorous edge some(most)times in order to absorb the horror. I was just watching Inglorious Bastards against last night. Same idea.

      Oooh I’d love to see Seinfeld live. I hurt like that after seeing Brian Regan and Dane Cook. I had no idea who Dane Cook was when we saw him (this was right before he got REALLY popular) and I thought I’d die from laughing.

  23. I hardly leave a response, however i did some searching and wound up
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