Slap Bracelets, Summer is Hot, Wipe the Drool

Summer Is Hot and So Are You – Issue #1

I mentioned recently that I was so inundated with your awesomeness that I was planning to install a weekly feature for the rest of the summer.

Much like when I mentioned bringing back slap bracelets in my very first video blog, I am following through on my word.  This time, I expect it’ll be cheaper easier just as great.

Because you’ve done all the heavy lifting. So enough of me. Onto you.

In our inaugural issue, we’re going to once again prove that sexy sells. It’s all about the ladies today!

Editor’s Note: Your favorite blogger (ahem) did an ongoing slap bracelet giveaway this year, but the bracelets feature my old blog name, “GoGuiltyPleasures!”. For a full listing of all Slap Bracelet pictures and posts, please see my Slap Bracelets page.

Cover Story – Rachel from Rachel’s Table!

If you thought I was lying when I said this series was “hot,” consider this picture my blowing a raspberry at you.

Rache is totally smart, talented, stunning, and funny, and could have any blogger she wants as a friend. Yet one of the highlights of my bloggy life was finding out Rache had mentioned me on another blog as a blogger she would really like to be friends with. I told her this made up for all the years of sitting at The Geek Table at lunch. Now I’m at RACHEL’S TABLE, ya’ll!

Rache’s blog focuses on natural, locally grown food, which is a plus on its own, but her unpretentious and humorous attitude make reading her blog heaven on earth. You’ll get a lot more out of it than [delicious!] recipes, I promise.

As if that wasn’t enough? This summer, she took her slap bracelets on vacation, and, well, you just need to see this for yourself. Rache’s slap bracelets crashed a wedding! Even I couldn’t pull that off!

That’s Rache. On the right. Wait’ll you see what she accomplished at that wedding.

Things started off harmlessly enough on Rache’s vacation, in Plymouth, Massachusetts…

Then it was onto the beaches of Cape Cod…

Bookmarks! Gah! The cross-promotional possibilities! If I had but known…
I am in love with this picture.

And while seeing the sights is all well and good, I started to wonder if Rache really knew me. But then…

Rache’s hub enjoying a lobster roll. A lobster roll that I should be enjoying. A lobster roll that I’ve been obsessing over ever since I saw this picture.
Rache knew a drive-in movie theater viewing of “Brave” needed enhancement. As I told her, I have this exact ‘single serving wine juice box’ in my refrigerator at all times (duh).
That’a girl.

And now, onto the wedding extraordinaire…

I can honestly say this makes me all farklempt.

Rache told me the groom looked like Run-DMC’s son, Diggy (she was worried I wouldn’t ‘get’ that, hahaha…Please), which is why she took this picture:

And then the kicker, Rache actually accosted the bride and groom (he’s totally Diggy, right?!) to take this next picture! Yes. Yes, you should be giving her a standing ovation right now.

You are an inspiration to us all, Rache!

Featured Article – Angie Z. from Childhood Relived!

In today’s featured article, I’d like to point you towards another gorgeous, slap braceleted lady, Angie Z., who didn’t get nearly the attention she deserved in her original unveiling (I’m thinking a Ladies in Slap Bracelets 2013 calendar might be in order this holiday season, no?).

If people don’t understand why I love Angie and her blog so much, all they need do is read this slap bracelet letter and see the accompanying photos, which take us back to a simpler time, when slap bracelets weren’t yet shanks.

Dear Jules,

I received my snap bracelets in the mail and couldn’t be happier.  They are everything I ever wanted in vinyl wrist accessories.

In fact, what I would’ve given to have them years ago.  (I could’ve been the coolest girl in high school.)  What I would’ve given to have them in the summer of ’93, just in time for my senior year photo shoot.

Can you believe we’re seniors?  It’s gone so fast!

After giving it some thought, I’ve decided to take matters into my own hands — quite literally.  Because who says you can’t reinvent the past?

That’s right — with my very own snap bracelets, I decided to recreate my senior pictures.  I happen to have some of my old clothes even — the early ’90s certainly paved the way in high fashion.  I think you’ll agree that we gave up the hair bump far too soon.

I’ll always remember the homecoming party at T-Bone’s house when we karaoked to Ace of Base.  I’ll always remember how you proposed marriage to Mark Calderon from Color Me Badd.  I’ll always remember how we ruled the school in our band uniforms.  My memory is a little fuzzy on that last one.

Stay cool, never change, and never stop wearing your velvet choker,


P.S.  Why does my old letter jacket stink like Cool Ranch Doritos?

Angie, I still dream about you.

That Fun and Quirky Last Page of Every Magazine – Lady-Blogger Contest Shenanigans


Peg would do anything for me, I mean, you, and you won’t even enter her contest? I guess I was wrong about you.

Win some bloggy loving over on Peg’s blog by coming up with a sales pitch for a fascinating, glowing piece of hardware. (You have to see it to believe it.) DEADLINE: 1PM EST, FRIDAY, JULY 27th.

k8edid: 7 Deadly Sins Series Writing Contest 

Katy’s [slap-braceleted] pooch, Shelby, wants you to enter, too. Don’t make Shelby cry.
Katy runs an ongoing “7 Deadly Sins” writing contest, which supports charity and writing and you and other awesome things. I am entering the current round (“Lust”), though I should have stopped while I was ahead…at “Gluttony.”  The Deadline for “Lust” entries is MIDNIGHT (12am EST), SATURDAY, JULY 28th.

She’s a Maineiac: Get Your Lobster Lollipop Here Contest!

Darla (my favorite Maine-iac) does me soooo proud.

To celebrate two years of blogging, Darla’s offering some FABULOUS Maine-themed goodies. All you have to do is sell your soul tell your most embarrassing childhood stories! I’m sure you don’t have any of those! Yeah! Me either! DEADLINE: NOON (12pm EST), MONDAY, JULY 30th.

Back Cover

Stay tuned for Summer is Hot and So Are You Issue #2 hitting newsstands WordPress Readers (ha ha, no.) inboxes next week! I don’t know exactly what that means yet, but not because you’re not HOT, but because there’s SO MUCH OF YOUR HOTNESS to pick from! Wooo!

Please shower these lovely ladies with attention and compliments in the comments section below, and/or let us all know what else we should be checking out in the blogosphere! I know you will, because you’re amazing like that.

Wow. I never knew I could love you like this.