Giveaway Junkie, Vlogalicious

Holy Sheet: A Holiday Giveaway!

What can we say? Sometimes there are bloggy collaborations (Exhibit A and Exhibit B) too magical to let go not to exploit in the name of holiday fun.

And you’ve GOTTA check out The Byronic Man’s corresponding video blog! Especially because he actually knows what he’s doing when it comes to vlogging. Isn’t he the cat’s pajamas sheet set?

The Rules

Make a card depicting what the holidays really mean to you. You know, the…less-than-pleasant moments or traditions that signal ’tis the season. Maybe it’s hiding in the closet with peppermint schnapps, or your uncle’s drunken conspiracy theories. You tell us.

Use any format you please: a picture, a video, a blog post or drawing. We’ll even consider especially descriptive comments. If you do a blog post, we’ll Tweet it and/or link back on our blogs.

What I’m trying to say is: If your card makes people uncomfortable, you’re probably on the right track.

Submit your entries to and

The Prize

You guessed it – a Go Jules Go or The Byronic Man sheet set! The perfect gift to yourself this holiday season! One size fits all […queen beds]!


The Byronic Man and I will each pick one favorite and award that winner with our sheet set.

We’ll also make a Hurricane Sandy New Jersey Relief Fund donation in the winners’ names.

The Deadline

Wednesday, December 19th, 12 MIDNIGHT PST.

We’ll announce the two winners on Friday, December 21st, 6am EST.


108 thoughts on “Holy Sheet: A Holiday Giveaway!”

  1. What the holiday’s really mean to me, huh… So it should probably say something like: “I’d like to punch you in the face, but instead I’m giving you this refrigerator magnet.”

    Very cool incentive! Seasons Sheetings LOL

  2. Hugo is literally sitting on my lap and pestering me to come up with something so he can sleep on your face. And thank you for bringing back the side ponytail.

  3. It’s hard to explain how much I love this. And yet you know how limited my skills are in this area. That said, please know I did make a donation in your name ( and other bloggers) to our local food cupboard, so thank you again for the great head(er) that you offered me. I loved both videos. Soooo funny! You guys are like the Wonder Twins! And for such a good cause.

  4. Mother of All Flying Chipmunks!!! You were NOT kidding about this being freaking awesome and epic. Holy Sheets, indeed!! 😉

    Ok, I will have to think about this. So much pressure. And at the holidays, too! Sheesh!! I mean Sheets!!

    But I need, and I mean that I have never needed anything more than this one thing, I need to be able to rest my weary head on half of B-man’s face. Or a chipmunk. I’m not picky. 😉

    I love you guys so much for this!!

    1. Misty!! So I maaaay have been a little excited for you to see this. I mean, I think my palms might be sweating from excitment. Is that wrong?

      And that doesn’t even take into account the thought of what kind of magical wonderfulness you’ll come up with as an entry. I know it’s a terrible time of year to ask people to do anything extra, so hopefully it doesn’t take anyone too long.

      Oh, don’t lie. I’d want B Man’s sheet set, too. In fact, I don’t know if I can part with it. The conversations we’ve had! The laughs! The drinks!

      1. Ohhh, there is an idea brewing. Like a nice fresh cup of coffee first thing in the morning. It is indeed percolating. Hmmmm . . . .

        Now, I just need to pull this sucker off and somehow beat Renzay!! So much pressure.

  5. Everyone should take an extra moment to marvel at Jules’ technical skills – the ironing, the video, the greeting card…

    I’ve decided that I’ll enter the contest, too. Because it’s just too cool to pass up.

    1. You know I live for this. You’re a champ – you committed 110%! My ‘work’ looks better simply by association.

      I don’t blame you. I think your one pillowcase is hungover, though. Sorry about that.

    1. Thank you so much, Lilykins! That was my reply, too, when I explained to people what I was working on for my blog and was met with strange looks.

      “I’m giving away sheets. …THEY ARE GOING TO BE PURE AWESOMENESS. Shut up.”

  6. you to are literally insane. And I love it. Especially the not so real Uncle Jesse in the Byronic video!! And yes, I was thinking “how the mother loving chipmunks do I participate?”

    1. I accept your “insane” and raise you “mind reader.” I mean let’s be honest: I think I tapped into the collective bloggy subconscious and revealed everyone’s biggest Christmas wish this year: Go Jules Go / Byronic Man sheet sets.

    2. “NOT SO REAL”??? I spent six months making that Uncle Jesse look-alike! It cost $2,000!

      What’s really a bummer, is I had a chipmunk puppet when I was a kid, and it’s somewhere in a box, but I couldn’t find it…

  7. Just a fair warning: I have used PowerPoint today. I made a pretty kickass card for this contest. Sprinkled it with holiday cheer and just a smidgen of seasonal affective disorder, so I am GOOD to go, baby!

        1. Anka! SQUEE! I can’t WAIT to see it! And I’m so glad you said this, because I DIDN’T get it – AND I don’t see anything in my spam folder. Do you mind resending?? Thank you so much! And YAY!!! 🙂

    1. I shall be the judge of that, as soon as I get to a place where I’m allowed to have sound!

      Speaking of winning, I trust you’re gonna show these other folks how it’s done here… (You’ve just been, what I call, WordPressured!)

      1. Now that you have personally called me on it, I have to. Watch out people, Becca needs new sheets. Plus, you are cute and Byronic Man is smokin’. I need some of that up in my room.

  8. I feel like the video was almost perfect (especially with the music in the background)… but there could maybe have been an Uncle Jesse interruption (just keep that in mind for next year).

    1. THANK YOU! I feel like it would’ve sucked without that particular music. I edited the whole thing to the song’s length!

      And I totally thought of you during this vlogging process – you will understand why Uncle Jesse couldn’t appear in my video if you watch The Byronic Man’s corresponding vlog (is it a bloggy faux pas to plug it, since it’s partly in my self-interest to do so? Ah well)!

          1. Unless that means that he kidnapped Uncle Jesse and put him in a ransom video… it seems unlikely… but I do have insanely high standards (for videos on the internet… which is weird, because in the rest of life…)

            1. OMG A ransom video with Uncle Jesse! How great would THAT be??? And the disguise of the kidnapper would be, of course ‘stache glasses.

              And all the effort that I should put into real life, I put into blogging. …Is that wrong? I actually talked about that in this vlog but then cut it. (Described how I cut down and got my tree up specifically in order to do this.)

  9. O. M. G. I don’t know which serves up the biggest portion of awesome-sauce. Your vodka-drunk rambling…er, I mean totally wonderful vlog, or those sheets. Those glorious, GLORIOUS ironed sheets.

    Just gotta come up with a fantastic idea. Talk about performance anxiety. I was just over at Rachel’s blog trying to sound like a good sport through tears of loser-pain. This looks like just one more of those opportunities.

    1. Oooh Peggles, we are in bloggy sync – I was commenting on your blog at the EXACT same time. I think this bodes well for your chances here. I mean, c’mon, you have some of the best ‘annotated’ pictures out there in Bloggy Land!

      “Drunk rambling”? I have no idea what you’re talking about.

      Probably because I don’t even remember making this vlog.

  10. I’m afraid I already posted my card to you…It’s a bought card but I defaced it, cos I’m mental. You know, in the Spirit of Christmas.

    1. Wait, Lily, is it posted somewhere where I can see it? Or am I having (another) blonde moment?

      In case you couldn’t tell by the nature of this post, I love all cards, especially defaced, possibly mental, cards.

      1. Oh, dear…You’ve encountered my BE/ Canadian upbringing influence. I mean I MAILED (posted, as ‘in the post’) a card. Sorry for cornfusion. I talk & write funny. By uni, I’d drilled most of the spelling out but it slips in when typing fast/ lazy. You’ll love your Unicef card, with swearing added, then.

        1. Lily! I just got the card – I laughed my big cardinal-esque bum off! Thank you! Should I consider this your entry? Because I think the idea of a REAL card is pretty badass.

  11. Fun! Your Emo card is pretty brilliant. I had big plans for my e-card submission, but Tom refused to catch me a beaver from the creek behind our house and my toddler isn’t picking up choreography. Rookies.

    1. Thanks, Tori! I made it right before I went to Hot Topic for more black eye liner.

      Amateurs! I feel like what you could come up with for this contest would make me weep with pride. Your comments alone…

  12. I love your blog, and as a thank you for keeping me so entertained you should check out my blog for a sincere personal thank you!

  13. I was just coming here to ask for your address so i can send you the ever coveted erin and andré creepy christmas card. You read my mind! Mine isn’t in the same category as your contest but i think you’ll appreciate it all the same. In the meantime i’ll try to come up for something for your awesome contest! Sheet set? So good.

  14. I have made my own Christmas cards for over 20 years! I had planned on posting about how I made them so I will send you the link when I get it done. You guys are too funny!

  15. Okay, when you and B-Man have your own sit com and you need a white haired, foul mouthed smokin hot babe to play one of your mothers…keep me in mind! M’kay?

    I am getting to work right now.

  16. I feel like the awkward girl hanging in the corner of the party sipping wine and eating bonbons. I’ve been away too long. So hoping to get back to blog-reading when the holiday (school?) madness ends next week. It’s good what you and B-man are doing here. Though I won’t be participating, I will be stalking your A-list party-goers!

    1. Ha Shannon you’ve got some competition for ‘awkward girl at the party’ (and by that I mean me)! I hope you get to take it easy soon – thanks so much for checking out the entrants – they blew us away!

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