Slap Bracelets

Slap Bracelets Comeback – Part 5!

Chipmunks, you can get excited now. Oh yes. Here is the promised 5th round of GoGuiltyPleasures slap bracelet pictures!

As usual, let us continue on in the order in which they were [oh-so-lovingly] received…

#1 – Girl4dabible from Just Keep Swimming Forward

Girl4dabible has won over my guilty pleasure heart in many ways. Like by showing her solidarity in her slushie-to-the-face video. She also granted me free reign over captions for her pictures. So, come with me on a very special completely fictional journey…

The sun is shining, but it does nothing to distract Girl4dabible from the awful truth. It’s Monday morning.

Even Dino, a former Fruity Pebbles addict, stares ahead dejectedly. I feel like I’ve been doing this shiz for an ice age, he sighs. And don’t you dare put that thing around my tail again.

Once at jail work, Girl4dabible plops down in her chair and pulls out her workday essentials. The banana mocks her with its cheeriness.

Her keyboard does not care for the slap bracelet. You shan’t sneak off to read any fun blogs using me, it says. And yes I’m allowed to say shan’t. I’m a keyboard for crying out loud.

Finally, lunch time arrives. The slap bracelet snaps away from the carrot sticks as quickly as possible, grabbing hold of the nearest alternative.

The meager lunch of rabbit food does not help Girl4dabible cope with the onslaught of afternoon phone calls. People in the offices next door want to know where the bright pink glow is coming from.

The slap bracelet overhears these conversations and sneaks off to hide in a basket of Smurf back-straighteners. They’ll never find me here, the slap bracelet thinks. (Editor’s note: I never said slap bracelets were smart.)

With the work day over, Girl4dabible heads out to get her fitness on. The slap bracelet reminds her that it doesn’t feel good when she sweats, so maybe she should just forget the whole thing. For some reason, she persists. And perspires.

Finally. Finally! It’s time to head home. Dino invites Sir George Monkeypants of Backseatville up front to enjoy the ride home. It’s the only time he shares the dashboard. Ah, almost time for Smash, they say, as though segregation weren’t a part of their daily lives. Do you think Julia will be able to resist Michael Swift tonight? Girl4dabible chimes in, Ooh and how are they going to make sure Katharine McPhee gets a solo, while she’s still supposed to be just a choir country mouse? They chatter like chipmunks the whole ride home, and live happily ever after until Tuesday.

#2 – MJ Monaghan

I always love seeing MJ out and about in the blogosphere. He leaves comments that are as thoughtful as they are funny. In fact, when I see his gravatar on another blog, I’ll often pause to read his comment there.

I was very excited totally stoked, my rad bros, to see what California Dreamin’ adventures the slap bracelet got into with MJ on the West Coast! (Psst. MJ, what would it take to get you to send a fellow lefty some of those In-N-Out burgers?)

Zest, Zeal and Second Husband were so excited about this picture, they had to make an appearance.

#3 – Linda (a.k.a. The Mad Queen) from The Magic Bus Stop

Chipmunkianly awesome is a pretty good way to start off describing Linda. If you’re wondering about her blog name, the bus is not just a metaphor. Linda bought a kick-tail bus a while back, and together they’re bringing fun and adventure back to the blogosphere.

Linda sent me one of the kindest notes along with her pictures, once again proving the infectious nature of positivity (what we’re all about here at GoGuiltyPleasures).

Please do yourself a favor and check out Linda’s slap bracelet post, which contains a series of pictures so top-notch, this li’l guilty pleasure blogger might explode into sunshine and rainbows and Hanson songs.

P.S. – If you’re wondering why Linda has so many slap bracelets, it’s because I’m incredibly blonde.

I saved the best for last (not counting the one with Linda and the bus, ‘o course):

#4 – Renee Schuls-Jacobson from Lessons from Teachers and Twits

Let’s try not to be too jealous of Renee’s recent Gift Basket Giveaway winnings. Besides, how can you hate someone so adorable? And nice. And funny. And talented. And popular. Who’s well into writing her novel and looks ridiculously babe-alicious in a bikini.

Well. Okay. I know it’s hard.

Thank you so much, you wonderful, neon-clad Chipmunks, you, and please keep ’em coming!

One last note: I would like Renee and Linda to know that their slap bracelet pictures have given me the greatest idea pretty much of all time. Let’s just say this year’s ‘win a custom jack-o-lantern by gojulesgo’ contest is going to be the most fun we’ve ever had here on GoGuiltyPleasures. (Any guesses?)

If you could take your slap bracelet anywhere in the world, where would it be?